We love animals and the great thing is they love us too. They can make us feel better when we are having a bad day and make us laugh with some of the things they do. Animals are similar to people. They have good days and bad days and they express it. Take a look at these compelling faces and expressions and have a great day!
1. The "Sneer"

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Just a quick glance and you can tell what that guy is thinking. I know what I'm thinking. You need to get out your toothbrush.
2. The "Laughing" Face
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This is a happy Cheetah. I wonder what the joke was.
3. The "Embarrassed" Face
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She is the cutest cat ever and you can read her expression like a book. Maybe thinking, if I close my eyes you can't see me. How embarrassing.
4. The "I Know You're Lying" Face
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Yep, this Scottish Highland Cow can read you like a book. He is saying "Don't give me that Bull".
5. The "Something's Happening" Face
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Dogs are so loving and just the best pets. You can just read the excitement on this animated face. He doesn't want to miss out on the action.
6. The "Please Can We Leave Now" Face
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We've all been there. Maybe your mate embarrassed you or maybe you embarrassed yourself and you just want to hide!
7. The "I've Got Gossip" Face
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I love to gossip and so do my friends. When they walk in the door you can tell by their expression they know something juicy. This little guy does too.
8. The "I Know What You Did" Face
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Yes, you can tell by the expression on this owl's face he knows what you did. The question is, will he tell.
9. The "Hey,Are You Going To Eat That" Face
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He's thinking, "Boy that looks good". The only think missing is his tongue hanging out.
10. The "I Can't Take It Anymore" Face
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We've all been there. It may be the end of the day, the end of the week, or just a bad day.
The Most Loveable Dogs
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Dog Breeds are very different. Some breeds are ideal for family pets, while others are best for adult-only households. From catching rodents to tracking to keeping someone's lap warm, dog breeds evolved to accommodate different tasks over time.
These 10 Lovable Dog Breeds Make The Best Family Pets
You Cannot Have These Animals As Pets
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Anybody can have a cat, dog, or goldfish. But why not think outside the (litter) box? It seems exponentially cooler to have a tame capybara or a pet cuscus. Or so say users of a popular online forum in answer to the question, "What non-domesticated animal do you want to have as a pet?"
10 Animals You Cannot Keep As Pets So Get Over It
Author: Kathy Owen
Kathy Owen specializes in painting furniture and upcycling thrifty finds into unique home decor. She founded the home decor blog PetticoatJunktion.com in 2011, where she shares her expertise on furniture painting and upcycling found items.