From the genius strategists of the wilderness to the puzzle solvers of the deep blue, we unveil the VIPs of the animal kingdom as far as far as the smartest animals are concerned. A conversation on an online community spurred the conversation on intelligent animals, and below, we explore ten animals that deserve some flowers.
1. Dolphins

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Dolphins amaze with human-like mimicry, smarts, and even self-awareness. They're the ocean's problem-solving, toy-playing show-offs and are known to teach other dolphins. These cetaceans ace echolocation, bouncing sound for object location. Their chit-chats are no child's play. Dolphins use complex communication and unique whistles to identify each other. Also, let's not forget the orca, a member of the oceanic dolphin family. They're brainiacs with human-like cleverness and cunning.
2. Chimpanzees
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Chimpanzees are our distant cousins, sharing 99% of our DNA in common. Scientists have invested years into research to decipher the intricacies of their intellect and actions. These studies show them to be true brainiacs of the animal kingdom. Chimps have a knack for abstract thinking that has been dazzling researchers for years. Other species in the same family, such as bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas, have also displayed incredible intelligence. There's just something about apes' intellects that makes them outstanding.
3. Ravens
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Wrapped in mystery because of their ebony feathers and eerie calls, ravens are no ordinary birds — they're brilliant masterminds of the avian world. These dark-feathered marvels have showcased their prowess in handling abstract ideas and mapping out the future with a finesse that even human toddlers might envy. One jaw-dropping experiment revealed that ravens can think seventeen hours ahead. I don't want to know how that's possible.
4. Elephants
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Elephants aren't just known for their legendary memory; they've got the smarts to match. These magnificent creatures boast an intricate social network and have even astonished observers by engaging in funeral ceremonies for departed kin. But that's not all; elephants display impressive survival skills. They eat specific leaves to remedy ailments and even nudge along the miracle of birth when needed. While most animals might find this concept baffling, elephants make selfless sacrifices. They're willing to put their well-being on the line if it means securing their herd's safety or their young's future.
5. Dogs
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Our beloved furry companions never cease to amaze us with their clever antics. In 2017, researchers unveiled dogs boast double the neurons in their cerebral cortex compared to their feline counterparts. This neurological edge validates the belief that dogs are more trainable and responsive. And since the metric for measuring animal smartness is human intelligence, not animal survival skills, dogs take the lead over cats.
6. Octopuses
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A dive into the world of octopuses reveals quite the mischievous streak. These clever cephalopods have made quite a reputation by pulling off daring escapes and playful antics within aquariums. Some even got back to the open sea without their keeper's knowledge. Their talents become less baffling when considering that their brain-to-body ratio trumps any other invertebrate.
7. Rats
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Have you ever wondered why rats are regular research subjects? Simple! It's because of their remarkable capacity to learn from experiences. This proficiency is a foundation for experimenting with their cognitive and reasoning skills. Rats' capacity to learn influences the execution of harsh assessments like forced swim tests. While we're not condoning animal testing, it's remarkable that their capability to understand and recollect test protocols makes them perfect for complex experiments that produce more detailed results.
8. The African Gray Parrot
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The African gray parrot is a beloved pet worldwide, originating from the rainforests of central Africa. Their ability to bridge the communication and comprehension gap between humans and animals is one of the most intriguing things about them, but there's more. These parrots are so intelligent that they're said to match the intelligence of five-year-old humans. Beyond mimicking human speech, they excel in mastering an extensive vocabulary, sometimes reaching hundreds of words. Their cognitive prowess extends to spatial reasoning, shape and color recognition, and understanding concepts like size, similarity, and position.
9. Bumblebees
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Lauded as the planet's most intelligent insect, bumblebees have earned this title rightfully. Their navigational abilities and capacity to decipher puzzles are remarkable. In one instance, bees found the most efficient path to a flower through repeated visits, shortening their travel time. Furthermore, an experiment revealed that bees construct mental imagery akin to humans. Doing this helps them to cross-reference object recognition across senses. Even in darkness, they identify objects by touch.
10. Pigs
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Yes, grunting pigs have secured a spot on the smartest animals list. Remember when we said dogs match toddler-like intellect? Well, pigs operate at a higher IQ tier. They grasp the notion of reflection at merely six weeks old — an achievement that takes human infants months to learn. Communication is another forte. Pigs use around 20 distinct sounds for interaction, and mother pigs serenade their young while nursing. These creatures discern emotions and exhibit empathy, an exceedingly rare trait amongst animals. Come on, even some humans struggle with empathy. Source: Reddit.
10 Animals With Expressive Faces
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We love animals and the great thing is they love us too. They can make us feel better when we are having a bad day and make us laugh with some of the things they do. Animals are similar to people. They have good days and bad days and they express it.
10 Animals With Hyper Expressive Faces You Can Read Like A Book