When you're a teenager, sometimes the most challenging part is figuring out how to make money. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, so it's essential to identify the jobs that are perfect for teens and that they may actually enjoy. Teenagers as young as 14, 15, and 16 can often find Summer jobs that fit their skill level. Recently, people met in an online discussion to reveal countless teenager-friendly jobs that don't suck!
1. Lifeguard
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Not only are lifeguards necessary safety measures for public pools and oceans, but if movies have taught me anything, any teenager becomes effortlessly cool when they become a lifeguard. I was a deep water lifeguard and made $16.50 an hour at a theme park, which is decent pay," explains one woman. "I spoke to no one unless they were drowning — in which case, socializing was not a priority."
2. Data Entry Technician
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It's not the most glamorous job in the world, but any job that pays in the double-digit-per-hour range shouldn't be overlooked. "Paid about 11 dollars an hour, this was an indefinite contract, fully remote, and I never even spoke to my supervisor," recalls one man. "However, these contracts are relatively competitive, as they're pretty easy to do while working another job."
3. Swim Club Worker
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Some of the best times of my life were when I was working in the snack bar of my local neighborhood swim club. What better job to have for a teen in the Summer? I can't recommend this job enough for any teenager looking to make a few bucks while gazing at women in bikinis all day!
4. Grocery Store Stocker
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I vividly remember explaining to my best friend that he should join me working at the swim club one summer. He refused, saying he was happy working at the grocery store. Although he made good money that summer, I don't think he saw nearly as many bikini-clad women as I did.
5. Movie Theater Attendant
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Countless people recommend looking at jobs in your local movie theater. The perks are endless: From discounted movie tickets to (presumably) all the popcorn you can eat, it's an easy way to make money and stay up-to-date on the latest Hollywood films. If you're feeling frisky, it's also the perfect way for your friends to see all the movies they want for free, but you didn't hear that from me.
6. Seasonal Halloween Store Worker
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Retail jobs aren't anyone's first choice, but in most cases, it's the best way to get to know people. I still remember the great times I had working retail when I was a teen with some people who quickly turned into close friends! "My first job was one of those pop-up Halloween stores," says one woman. "Sure, it's retail, but it was more fun than elsewhere."
7. Restaurant Worker
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Working at a fast-food place as a teenager teaches some good skills beyond food service. Teamwork, scheduling, and learning to deal with difficult people daily can help mold any young person into someone capable of navigating their future.
8. Golf Caddy
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Jump at any opportunity to be a caddy. It'll be the most relaxing job you'll ever have while being one of the most lucrative! "It paid for my first car, first two years of college, and I got to golf for free at a private club," remembers one man.
9. Tutor
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Tutoring younger kids is a great way to earn valuable spending money as a teenager — if the teen is intelligent. Parents of children who need tutoring are willing to pay top dollar for a quality tutor to help them with schoolwork, studying, and test preparation.
10. Camp Counselor
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For teenagers wanting to maximize their fun while also making great money, working at a camp as a counselor or instructor is their best bet! The bonds you'll make between not only the campers but your fellow counselors are something that you can hold onto for the rest of your life. Countless people call being a camp counselor one of their most rewarding and memorable jobs!
Things Teens Struggle With
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Being a teenager can be a whirlwind of emotions and experiences. As teens navigate through this phase of life, they may face some critical issues. Teens, don't be afraid to ask for help with these issues and others. Talk about problems with your parents. Parents, be watchful.
Parents: 10 Serious Things Your Teen May Struggle With And You Can Help
These Animals Do Not Make Good Pets
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Anybody can have a cat, dog, or goldfish. But why not think outside the (litter) box? It seems exponentially cooler to have a tame capybara or a pet cuscus. Or so say users of a popular online forum in answer to the question, "What non-domesticated animal do you want to have as a pet?"