Millions of people are looking for a solid romantic relationship, but there is particular behavior that doesn't fly these days. Everyone should watch for potential red flags when beginning a new relationship. Recently, men and women met in an honest, online discussion to reveal everything they consider relationship deal breakers.
1. Socially Demanding Behavior
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Compromise is one of the keys to successful relationships. Unfortunately, when you're an introvert and find yourself dating someone who loves going out, it can lead to conflict. "Yeah, opposites can attract, but being an introvert and dating an extrovert who wants to socialize every day sucks," one person says. "It led to so much arguing."
2. Bad Personal Hygiene
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you do not prioritize good personal hygiene, you're making it more challenging than it needs to be to find a significant other! Small things like daily showers and regular personal grooming go a long way. Many daters are shocked at how often they encounter someone who doesn't prioritize good hygiene.
3. Ineffective Communication
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Even the most seemingly rock-solid relationship can crumble if someone communicates poorly. When you cannot express your wants, needs, desires, feelings, and emotions to your significant other, you limit how strong the bond between you can be. Many people sadly admit a lack of communication is one of the common causes of breakups.
4. Addicted to Social Media
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One of the most significant relationship red flags is realizing the person you're dating is hopelessly addicted to social media. Good luck competing with their phone for attention. "After getting back into dating, I had one coffee meet-up that went terribly," confesses one man.
"Talking on the phone and texting? Awesome, flirtatious, and fun. Meeting in real life? I sat across from a grown-up who said half a dozen words to me for an hour and furiously texted the other 55 minutes. We did not hang out again."
5. Being Deceitful
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Let me put it simply: Liars make for the worst people to date. Being untrustworthy and deceitful from day one is the most glaring red flag you can wave. Unfortunately, I've found that deceitful people rarely change, as they often have a knack for never holding themselves fully accountable for anything.
6. Physically Abusive
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Nobody likes abusive behavior, and countless people reveal they draw the line at a physically abusive relationship. If you're looking for a new love, ensure they respect you well enough not to inflict physical harm – you owe it to yourself. Many daters explain that physical abuse is a gateway towards emotional or mental abuse – and vice versa.
7. No Sense of Humor
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Who wants to spend their time with someone they can't laugh with? If your significant other can't see the lighter side of life, I question how solid the relationship can be. "I usually think of a great sense of humor as something that I look at as a want," admits one woman. "But, no, it's essential. If I can't laugh with you, like a gut laugh, it's a problem."
8. Inability To Handle Basic Adult Responsibilities
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Being unable to handle adult responsibilities properly seems to be a wholly male problem. I don't know what it is about certain guys, but paying bills on time, holding a decent job, and doing chores seem above their pay grade! Countless women lament dating these "losers," and I don't blame them.
9. Still Talks About Their Ex
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Everyone wants to meet someone emotionally available. If you encounter a new person who still brings up their ex, run for the hills; they're not over that person! "This has burned me in every relationship," admits one man. "I even met someone online. We hit it off so well – and it felt perfect.
I flew across the country for a week, and it still felt perfect; she says she was in love with her ex on the second-to-last day. I was heartbroken. I refuse to date anyone who is in contact with their ex or who talks about them more than maybe a tiny bit."
10. Being Disrespectful in Public
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Every couple has disagreements and arguments – that's normal. What isn't normal is when public spats lead to your significant other disrespecting you around other people. Name-calling and belittling in public are tell-tale signs that the relationship is not worth fighting for under any circumstance. You deserve better.
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Source: Reddit.