Men seek traits in their female partners that check specific boxes for them. While nobody wants the female to think she has it all, men recently met in an online discussion to reveal the things they seek in women that they need but don't possess.
1. Financial Smarts
Some women are fearless in citing their financial wealth. Men, there is nothing wrong with wanting a woman with money! In fact, other men frequently applaud your honesty and being unafraid to express what matters most to you in a relationship.
2. Calm Demeanor
Many men admit they seek out women who are the polar opposite of them personality-wise. A woman with a calm demeanor can balance them out effortlessly for overly anxious men. "I'm an anxious person and an over-thinker, and she is calm and relaxing to be with," confesses one man.
"My impulsivity has led us to some really awkward situations, and her calm demeanor and problem-solving abilities have rescued us countless times."
3. Extroverted
Many women identify as extroverts and would like nothing more than to be with someone introverted. By doing so, social situations and obligations become infinitely more manageable since the woman can do all the heavy lifting in conversations and interactions. Besides, opposites attract, so it makes sense that an introverted man would look for an extroverted woman.
4. Optimistic
For men who lack optimism about their lives (or society in general), an optimistic woman is the perfect person to turn their worldviews around. Being around someone who chooses to see the good in daily living can also positively influence a man's self-esteem — if that's something the man has been struggling with.
5. Openly Affectionate
While public displays of affection are generally frowned upon by most people, a little affection from a woman can go a long way, especially for shy men. "Don't get me wrong, I like physical touch, but I struggle to express that and adore a partner who's up for cuddles and casual touch," expresses one man.
6. Adventurous
Men who always just want to hang out in the man cave often look for women with an adventurous or wild side. "I don't like going out of town; malls are okay but are too much work for me," confesses one man.
"Never really knew that I needed an adventurous partner until my girlfriend motivated me to go hiking, surfing, snorkeling, and similarly-fun activities." Sometimes you don't know what you love until your significant other introduces it!
7. Patient
Men aren't shy in expressing their lack of patience when dealing with mundane things. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that a woman with plenty of it would be the ideal person to be with. I get it; patience is something that many people aren't blessed to have. Thankfully, finding it in someone else is the next best thing!
8. Confident
Countless men lack confidence, so naturally, these men wouldn't mind having a confident woman around. However, there's a thin line between confidence and pompousness! Remember, women, nobody likes being around an arrogant woman — it's not a good look.
9. Emotionally Stability
If you're a man who deals with a lot of chaos or stress in their professional life, it's not surprising if you actively search for a woman who can deal with your issues. "I tend to jump from career to career, move apartments a lot, constantly hang out with people, and things of that nature," reveals one man. "I need someone who brings a little stability to the table and will be the one constant thing in my life."
10. Supportive
Men want a woman who will support them and be there for them in any endeavor they wish to tackle. From changing jobs to issues with parents or siblings, they need the support.
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Source: Reddit.