Adding a pet to your family can be one of life's greatest joys. Those suffering from mild or severe pet allergies may opt not to have pets. While there is no such thing as a genuinely hypoallergenic animal, there are pets you can own that are low allergen, making pet ownership a possibility if you have allergies.
1. Portuguese Water Dog

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This breed of dog hardly sheds hair, and because they need to be groomed at regular intervals, that helps to control pet dander that tends to trigger allergies. As their name implies, Portuguese water dogs love being in bodies of water and are relatively easy to train. You can't go wrong with this breed if you're looking for an active, outdoorsy dog.
2. Bichon Frise
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The Bichon is ideal if you're looking for a small house dog with a happy personality. The tight curls of their coats mean they must be groomed routinely, but those curls also prevent a lot of dander from escaping. These little white furballs of fun are also low-shedding dogs.
3. Poodle
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Poodles are less likely to cause allergic reactions than other dog breeds. Like the Bichon, their tight curly hair hardly sheds and retains pet dander, so regular visits to the dog groomer are highly recommended. Poodles are also considered low-drooling breeds, which reduces the odds of an allergic reaction. These dogs come in various sizes, but the benefits are still the same.
4. Sphynx Cat
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The dander, hair, and saliva of cats trigger allergies in susceptible people. One of the best options for cat lovers is the hairless Sphynx cat. Not only are these elegant-looking cats great for allergies, but they are also brilliant and love their humans.
5. Russian Blue Cat
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These gorgeous green-eyed felines don't produce as much of the protein that leads to allergic reactions as many other cat breeds. Their thick coats don't shed as much, trapping allergens and preventing them from being released. These cats are also loyal and affectionate.
6. Bengal Cats
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Bengals are optimal cats for people with allergies because they don't shed as much hair as other breeds. With a distinctive coat that resembles their jungle counterparts, Bengals are hard to miss. In addition to their unique coats, they're also very playful.
7. Parakeets
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Our four-legged furry friends aren't the only pets that can produce allergy-triggering dander. Some breeds of birds can, too. While parakeets are not strictly hypoallergenic, they release little dander when molting their feathers. Parakeets are perfect pets for people with allergies looking for a pet besides a cat or dog.
8. Conures
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These small to medium-sized parrots do not produce dander, making them excellent pets if you suffer from allergies. These social birds are active and playful and love to be in dynamic settings where they can interact with their favorite humans. They love to be picked up, so a conure is the way to go if you're looking for a low-allergen bird.
9. Goldfish
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Suppose you're looking for a low-allergy pet that is easy to care for. In that case, the humble goldfish is a viable option over higher-maintenance tropical fish breeds. There are wide varieties and colors of goldfish that can make ownership more exciting and give you all the benefits of having a pet without worrying about allergic reactions.
10. Reptiles
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If you're looking for a low-allergy tank pet and fish aren't your thing, consider adopting a reptile like a lizard, snake, or turtle. You'll have to be mindful of the time required to invest in a reptile to ensure its health and the expense necessary to maintain an adequate habitat. But small reptiles are an excellent pet option for those with allergies to other types of animals.
Costumed Pets
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We love our cats and some of us love to dress them up for special occasions. When choosing clothing or costumes for your pet cat, be sure to think of safety first. Also, you want them to be comfortable in the costume.
Dressed Up Cats: Costume Ideas For Pets
Expressive Animal Faces
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We love animals and the great thing is they love us too. They can make us feel better when we are having a bad day and make us laugh with some of the things they do
10 Animal Faces That Need No Interpretation
These Plants Can Be Toxic To Your Pets
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Pets and plants are alluring housemates, especially for the friendship and beauty they bestow. Some plants, however, are toxic to our furry friends, posing significant health risks when ingested. These plants harm your dog and cat's health, and you should avoid having them around your home.
Pet Owners Beware Of These 10 Plants That Are Highly Toxic To Your Pets