Ladies, are you seeking insider information on dating, relationships, and how guys think? Well, you're in luck! We've gathered some interesting tidbits from a men's online forum. Tell us what you think of the ten things guys wish you would do because sometimes they are totally lost.
1. Make The First Motive
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Gone are the days when women had to wait for men to make the first move. Today, gentlemen appreciate women who take the initiative. So, don't be afraid to make the first move, whether it's starting a conversation or asking for a date. According to these men, empowerment is worth it. One says, "Don't expect us to read between the lines. Just say what you mean."
2. Just Be You
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Trying to be someone you're not will only lead to disappointment. In fact, you annoy people way too much by trying to be who you aren't. Men appreciate women who are true to themselves. Please, ditch the pretense and embrace your quirks and uniqueness.
3. Talk To Me
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Nobody wants to be stuck in a boring place. Engaging in meaningful conversations can create a lasting impression. Show genuine interest in what your date has to say and actively participate in the conversation. Avoid dominating the discussion or constantly checking your phone, and stay invested in the moment.
4. Be Confident
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Confidence is like an enchanting fragrance that captivates everyone around you. I've heard people say they can't date anyone lacking self-confidence. An experienced man says, "Be confident in who you are, what you want, and especially what you don't want. Be comfortable alone." Believe in yourself, embrace your strengths, and exude confidence in your interactions. The whole idea is that a self-assured woman is irresistible.
5. Flirt, Flirt, And Flirt
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Flirting is the spice of dating. Light teasing, subtle compliments, and a playful sense of humor can work wonders. Do not be afraid to flirt; this is one act you never want to stop, even when you've reached your desired effect. Let your inhibitions go, and watch the sparks fly.
6. Don't Expect Too Much
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While it's great to have standards, it's important to approach dating with an open mind. Don't burden yourself or your date with unrealistic expectations. Instead, focus on getting to know your date as a person. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you learn about them.
7. We Are Needy
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A little appreciation goes a long way. Men love it when women express gratitude for their efforts, no matter how small it might seem. Whether a simple "thank you" or a heartfelt compliment, showing appreciation will make you both feel valued. Men have shown great displeasure in women who refuse to show appreciation and have even ended such relationships instantly.
8. Don't Push
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Rome wasn't built in a day, and relationships aren't either. Allow the connection to develop naturally, and don't rush things. Based on some contributors' comments, we learned that most women want to get in on a date with you this minute and expect you to put a ring on their finger the next. Things don't work that way. Building a strong foundation takes time, so enjoy the journey and savor each moment.
9. Say Hi To The New Guy
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Sometimes the most unexpected matches can be the best ones. Don't limit yourself to a specific "type" or preconceived notions. Give different personalities and interests a chance. You might find a beautiful connection where you least expect it.
10. Have Fun
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Above all, dating should be an enjoyable experience. Let go of anxiety, be present — in the moment, and have fun! Laugh, smile, and embrace the joy of getting to know someone new. It's not a hidden fact that the best relationships often start with a whole lot of laughter. How do you feel about these relationship tips?
11. Make All The Plans
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Most men would rather jump off a cliff rather than plan a vacation. They would love for their significant other to make hotel reservations and plan the itinerary.
Why Women Prefer Living Alone
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10 Reasons Women Prefer Being Alone
Source: Reddit.