Merely thinking about an upcoming date, spending quality time with your favorite person, dining on good food, and having fantastic conversations can send tingles up your spine. Sometimes, the date could be a simple Netflix and chill or it could be a once-in-a-lifetime dinner beside the Eiffel Tower. Planning and executing a date can be almost impossible, and after all the planning, sometimes the date ends up being boring. What is your opinion of these dates....
1. Long Walks

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Taking long walks with someone you like is one of the best experiences in the world. One woman shares her experience of her date on a Sunday when she and her partner decided to go for a casual stroll.
The walk was supposed to last an hour, but they spent over five hours together. First, they walked around town for two hours, then drove in his car before moving on to a lookout point and staying three more hours.
It was the best because "the conversations were so effortless, we had so much to talk about, and his humor matched mine to a tee."
2. Trapped in a Storm
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The plan for another woman was a quiet date canoeing in the spring, but it ended abruptly when they got caught in a hailstorm. They had to take shelter under a tree while they flipped the canoe upside down for cover. They were also looking out for alligators because the place was known for having them around.
He cuddled her to keep her warm, and it felt both awkward and respectful at the same time. You would think having both their phones damaged from the storm and getting an ear-full from the staff because they returned the kayak late would spoil the date. Not at all.
They returned to his place, smashed both phones on his kitchen floor, and laughed. They got new phones the following day and got married later on. That's a fairytale romance right there.
3. A Fair Date
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I love this one! Not just because it was a great first date but also because it was a great last first date. It took place at a fair where they went on all the big scary rides.
After their fill of the fair, they switched locations and went to have a late dinner and a couple of drinks at a local pub. Nothing better than ending the night with a couple of drinks.
4. A Date In Paris
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I have never heard of a terrible Paris date. Have you? So, this woman and her husband were in Paris and went into a bar. They took a comfortable position in a cozy corner and enjoyed some great drinks and their company.
They talked, watched the activity, tried to speak French, and enjoyed a talk with the bartender. It was a new experience, and the night has stuck with her ever since. She says, "It felt good to have some new experiences to spice things up. I felt alive again."
5. A Comedy Night
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This is one of those moments you look at someone and know you will spend the rest of your life with them. Funnily enough, it wasn't a typical romantic date.
He took her on a tour of open mics with some of his comedian friends. I can't help but picture a car ride filled with laughter and smiles. She also mentioned that the shows were equally impressive. And guess what? They are now married.
6. Talking All Night
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Here's another love story that fills your belly with butterflies. A woman and her partner met on a dating app and hit it off. They talked for two months and decided to meet up in person.
They finally did, and it wasn't a fancy dinner. They stayed at her house, lay on her bed, and talked all night. She says, "I knew I loved him in the morning." As far as best dates go this one may be my fav.
7. Fine Dining In an Aquarium
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One contributor shares how her partner surprised her for their anniversary. They had dinner with different fishes at an aquarium. She vows that the food was excellent — "Literally the best food ever."
They drank champagne while walking around, saying hello to the fishes, and enjoying the ambiance. To her, it was the best surprise.
8. From First Base to Home Run
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This date happened four years ago. They attended a baseball game and discussed "everything you aren't supposed to talk about on a first date."
It was great, with wholesome conversation, good food, and jokes. The date didn't end there; they returned home and stayed up all night talking and doing other stuff.
9. A Shoe-Shopping Date
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This one has shoes in the mix. The date took place in a high-end shoe store where they walked around, and she tried on different shoes. He got her any pair they both agreed was good. The date was paired with "a great deal of flirting, sexy anticipation, and prancing around in high heels."
10. Avatar Glow Up
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Do you know those stories of failed glow-up attempts for a date? This would have been one, but the woman in this story had a partner who was so cool about it he turned it into one of the best dates and changed her life for the better.
Imagine the guy you had been crushing on asked you out, finally. You dyed your hair blue to look "glam," but that didn't end well. Nope. Instead, she looked like a character from Avatar. Luckily, he was cool about it and saw only the funny side. Never in her wildest dream did she imagine she would be with him, but the one date changed it all.
Next Article: Things Guys Wish Girls Would Do Because They Are Clueless
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We've gathered some interesting tidbits from a men's online forum. Tell us what you think of the ten things guys wish you would do because sometimes they are totally lost.
10 Things Guys Wish Girls Would Do Because They Are Totally Lost
10 Reasons Women Prefer Being Alone
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Many women choose to stay single because of their ideas about dating and relationships. They get into a relationship and realize it's nothing like they thought it would be. Source: Reddit.