It is entirely reasonable to suggest some people have more money than sense, though anybody who falls into this category probably never earned their wealth. A recent online post shows rich Internet users sharing extravagant items they would avoid — here are their insights.
1. Designer Luggage

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I wouldn't say designer suitcases indicate wealth anymore, as I see so many people with them now. Furthermore, you may become a marked tourist depending on where you travel. "Hey, look at me!" jokes our first thread leader. "I have too much money, and I'm not from around here!"
2. Gold-Plated Food
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"Adding gold leaf to a steak makes it taste better," said nobody ever. You know you are tired of humility when you need to see precious metals as a culinary garnish. "Any food with gold on it," notes a British contributor. "Spending £70,000 on a pizza would make me sick." I know gold leaf isn't expensive, per se, but come on, people.
3. Afterlife Hubris
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"An expensive coffin for myself," notes the next thread member. A jewel-encrusted, ornate tombstone or coffin is the ultimate statement of self-importance. Some people like to be buried with their favorite cars or jewelry, much like pharaohs or emperors of the past. "This is why I want to be buried in a tree pod," adds a curious character. Er, have they heard of haunted forests? No, thanks.
4. A Girl's Best Friend
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"After watching Blood Diamond," declares a well-endowed individual with a conscience. "I don't think I can ever buy a diamond." Moreover, diamonds have the most inflated prices in jewelry, so why would you? I have even seen many cases where people spend thousands on a wedding ring, only to have them exposed as fake diamonds.
5. A Very Big Mansion
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"I can't imagine having so many rooms that your maid spends more time in them than you do," states the next commenter. "Who wants to live in a hotel?" Who remembers the 1990 Batman movie where Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale eat in a banquet hall? Halfway through, Wayne says, "You know what? I'm not even sure I've been in this room before."
6. A Private Jet
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"While it would be cool, it's impractical from a cost standpoint," says a wealthy contributor. "Cheaper to just fly first class, and I don't have to worry about my only plane breaking." You could even argue that air travel is a real leveler — wherever you sit in the fuselage if the plane goes down, equality of outcome is unavoidable.
7. Members Only
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"A country club membership," asserts the next thread leader. "Totally not my crowd." Sadly, the thread has many cringe-inducing stories about working at country clubs. What becomes clear is that some of these places harbor a culture of generous tipping and roaming hands. I can understand wanting to have a nice place away from the crowds where you can relax, but this kind of place would be unappealing.
8. Big Cats
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Some people in the thread declare how they would never own a big cat for a pet. I once lived in Qatar, where I was parked at a red light one night. A Qatari Landcruiser pulled up beside me, and I had to double-take at the front seat passenger. A casual cheetah, sitting upright with its window down, peered over at me for a second before the car pulled away as I sat laughing. In Qatar, being rich is on a whole different level.
9. A Yacht
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"A yacht is a structure that is always trying to sink and which will require the bulk of your fortune to prevent precisely that from happening," notes an observer who sounds like they may have once had some maritime troubles. I will be honest: I would buy one. Just think of all the hotel bills you save, and you wake up with a sea view each morning.
10. Space Travel
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"Too risky for me to float for a few minutes," writes someone who didn't appreciate Jeff Bezos's rocket ship voyage. "Seriously," replies a commenter. I would pay an exorbitant amount of money not to have to do that if, for some reason, I had to." I can't think of any scenario in which one might be forced into orbit — barring an alien invasion. Source: Reddit.
5 Celebrities With The Most Money
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Every year, sites like Forbes and Celebrity Net Worth crunch the numbers on celebrity assets and liabilities to calculate their net worth. This is the number you get after you deduct someone's liabilities from the value of their assets.